How can I change the webix.message() position in the page, let have an example, I want to display the error message next the the text box, so it will be easy for the user to validate the errors and it looks good also.
How can I change the webix.message() position in the page, let have an example, I want to display the error message next the the text box, so it will be easy for the user to validate the errors and it looks good also.
You can stick messages to the top or to the bottom of a screen.
There is no way to place them in any other position ( window and popups can be shown at any position, messages only at fixed areas )
for example :
Can you please share the example snippet, that would be really help full for me to implement in the project.
Here’s the sample of bottom message. But note that redefining CSS will change position of all webix.messages on the page:
Are there any news on this topic? This would be a very useful feature to show the message within a window. If you have an app with multiple windows you don’t expect a message outside of the window that generated the message / in any corner of the browser. For example a message shown as a form validation result should be visible anywhere near the form.
How can I place the message at a certain position from the top?
top:100px !important;
This is not working in IE
I added this
.webix_message_area {
top: auto !important;
bottom: 1px !important;
working fine