How to dynamically bind datatable selected row content to the form

Hi, I am new to webix and would like to know, how to dynamically bind datatable selected row content to the form. Quick response would be highly appreciated as we are building POC using webix and needs to be submitted by EOD today.

Thank you in advance.

This requirement is for grid editing.

You can use bind API

or basic data manipulation api

Thank you Maksim for the quick response.

Could you please help me to bind:

  1. Select / Combo box (from the datatable to form)
  2. Set the form elements and push to form on clicking of datatable (itemclick) and display it in form rather than predefined elements of forms as the column names are not same everytime.


Can you share a bit more details how do you want to bind the Select control ?


If i understood correctly you want to auto-configure form by data in the current row ( create input for each property ) - right ? There is no build in functionality for such use-case, but you can use webix.ui api to construct form on the fly.

Thank you Maksim.

  1. For instance, I have a richselect in datatable and when user double clicks on any of the rows, I have to show the same richselect in the form as well. Please let me know if you need more information.

  2. I will try. Thank you.

You can share the same options collection between form and datatable

Thank you so much for the prompt response.

Hi. The snippet won’t work.
Adding the “Three” option does not refresh the datatable as it should.

Edit : Sorry, that was my browser nightly beta version. It works with the standard version.