How to enable specific view like("button" view) in a form which is disbled

I am unable to enable specific view like(“button”) in a form. Here the complete form is disabled.
Please find the below code snippet.

var rows = [{
                    view: "textarea",
                    value: selectedData.attributes['comments'],
                    name: "comments",
                    height: 200,
                    label: "Notes",
                    css: "single-column inline-edit-false",
                    labelPosition: "top"
                }, {
                    view: "button",
                    type: "htmlbutton",
                    id: "toggleBtn",
                    css: "itemView-toggle toggle topMargin inline-edit-false",
                    label: '<span class="webix_icon fa-collapse">' +
                        '</span><span id="additionalData" class="text">' +
                        'Show Additional Fields</span>'

         webix.ui ({
            view: "form",
           id: "ItemView",
           paddingX: 0,
           scroll: true,
           elements: [{
                         css: 'itemViewBody',
                         id: 'itemViewBody',
                          rows: rows

disbleformElements: function() {

The form “itemViewBody” is disabled and at the same time I need to enable “Show Additional Fields” label.

Thanks in Advance.

Unfortunately, it is really not possible. When you are disabling the parent element, it disables all child elements and it can be overridden.

You can use

var childs = form.getChildViews();
for(var i=0; i<childs.length; i++)

to disable child elements one by one.

or, if you have nested form controls

for (var name in form.elements)