I am unable to enable specific view like(“button”) in a form. Here the complete form is disabled.
Please find the below code snippet.
var rows = [{
view: "textarea",
value: selectedData.attributes['comments'],
name: "comments",
height: 200,
label: "Notes",
css: "single-column inline-edit-false",
labelPosition: "top"
}, {
view: "button",
type: "htmlbutton",
id: "toggleBtn",
css: "itemView-toggle toggle topMargin inline-edit-false",
label: '<span class="webix_icon fa-collapse">' +
'</span><span id="additionalData" class="text">' +
'Show Additional Fields</span>'
webix.ui ({
view: "form",
id: "ItemView",
paddingX: 0,
scroll: true,
elements: [{
css: 'itemViewBody',
id: 'itemViewBody',
rows: rows
disbleformElements: function() {
The form “itemViewBody” is disabled and at the same time I need to enable “Show Additional Fields” label.
Thanks in Advance.