how to establish on html what the initial tab will be

I need to establish on html what the initial tab will be. Something along the lines of the below, which does not work.

        <config name="selected" value="selectedViewName"></config>


<div webix-ui view="tabview" id="perfilesTabs" autoheight="true" autowidth="true">
    <config name="tabbar">
        <config name="on" onaftertabclick="perfilesTabClicked()"></config>
        <config name="selected" value="selectedViewId"></config>
    <div header="Search Perfiles" id ="perfilesSearchTab">
        <div ui-view="perfilesSearch" autowidth="true"></div>
    <div header="Create Perfil" id="createPerfilTab">
        <div ui-view="createPerfil" autowidth="true"></div>

where selectedViewId corresponds to $scope.selectedViewId on the controller.

Any thoughts?

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