I have tried to format the form field data in both ways i.e format:webix.i18n.numberFormat and template:function(obj){ return webix.i18n.numberFormat(obj.start); } and related information has been defined in en-us.js file. But its not working.
Please find below
var quoteDetailsView = { collapsed : false, header : "quoteDetails", id : "quoteDetailsAccord",
body : {
view : "form",
align : "center",
elements : [
rows : [ { cols : [
view : "text",
label : "A",
readonly : true,
id : "start",
view : "text",
label :"B",
readonly : true,
id : "end",
template:function(obj){ return webix.i18n.numberFormat(obj.end); }
Please suggest any solution.
Thanks in Advance
Ravi Chandra