How to format the fields in Form component


I have tried to format the form field data in both ways i.e format:webix.i18n.numberFormat and template:function(obj){ return webix.i18n.numberFormat(obj.start); } and related information has been defined in en-us.js file. But its not working.

Please find below

 var quoteDetailsView =  { 	collapsed : false, 	header : "quoteDetails",  id : "quoteDetailsAccord",
	body : {
		view : "form",
		align : "center",
		elements : [

					rows : [ {   cols : [
                                                                                        view : "text",
                                                                                         label : "A",
                                                                                         readonly : true,
                                                                                         id : "start",

                                                                                        view : "text",
                                                                                         label :"B",
                                                                                         readonly : true,
                                                                                         id : "end",
                                                                                         template:function(obj){ return webix.i18n.numberFormat(obj.end); }

Please suggest any solution.

Thanks in Advance
Ravi Chandra

Text fields do not support formatting by default
You can extend the text component, though

Thank you,

Now I am able to format the data in form. But while saving I am unable to remove number formatting.
Do we have any method to remove formatting(number and price) in webix?

Thanks in Advance.

You can redefine the getValue method of the control in the similar way

Hello there.

Maksim, extended text component (as it is in your example) loses its css styling:

Is there any way to avoid this unwanted effect?

Yep, there is workaround especially for this case - you can use $cssName in configuration, to define which css class new control will use.