How to get webix-jet ES6 class view resize event?

Hi! I’m trying to rearrange elements in ui.list widget after outer box resized. This widget is laying inside layout(?) made as ES6 class using webix-jet. There is a template with text caption and a button on the same level as list. I include this complex view as a static subview to window view class.

As I undestand, the width of my view is established automatically as maximum accessible width. I use resizer to adjust the width of left and right pane of my window (it splits for two panes).

Can I get resize event from inside of the view, as I do using ‘onViewResize’ for window widget?

this._resize = this.webix.event(window , “resize”, () => {

        const win = <webix.ui.window>this.getRoot();

        win.config.height = document.body.offsetHeight;



Hi, @iri_tech , thank you for your answer but unfortunately I can’t uderstand your approach. I managed to get desired component (view) behaviour using getNode() method and ResizeObserver interface of JS.

ready() {
    const node = this.#breadcrumbs.getNode();
    const ro = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
      for (const entry of entries) {
        console.log('Breadcrumbs new size: ', entry.borderBoxSize);
        console.log('Raw crumbs: ', this.#rawCrumbsList);
        if (this.#rawCrumbsList.length) {