How to replace an existing form/datatable in a page with a new one

What is the best way to replace an existing form or datatable in a page with a new one?
The new form/datatable will have different structure when compared to the existing.

e.g. There will be several tabs in a page. Each tab will have to display a different datatable.

Thanks in advance!

You can use the same webix.ui command to replace some existing view with new one, just use the target view as second parameter of the command.

Sorry, still I’m not able to make it work.

Replacing form by another one.

Replacing datatable by another one.

Just now found the sample for the same here

I was able to make it work using ‘rows’ in web.ui command. Thanks for your help!

I can confirm the issue with your original samples.

UI replacing doesn’t work correctly when you are using it against top level UI ( UI that was attached directly to HTML container ). We will fix it in the next update.


Hi, Just want to check if this issue has been fixed.

And also is there any way to remove a parent level view? I understand removeView can be used to remove only child views.

removeView can be used if you want to destroy a child view. To remove top level view you can use

