How to run webix application in Local machine


I have download the sample application form github ( GitHub - webix-hub/webix-adminapp-demo: Demo of Webix MVC app, ) and i have followed the steps which is mentioned. Still i am not able to see the home page of the application as expected…Please to help me by providing the steps to run in my location machine.

Do i need any webserver to install in my local machine to run/deploy the application.

Thank you…


Yes, it would be better to install a webserver to run the application.

You need to run index.html under webserver, for example:

Thank You for you reply Maria…I am trying to run the application using xampp webserver but unable to run.

Is there any specific webserver to run the application. Please Help me…


Is there any specific webserver to run the application

Nope. Apache server that goes with xampp will do. Please check that other applications run correctly from the same domain as you run “admin app”.

I’ve got the mentioned problem too. Trying to run index.html - TypeError: app.config is undefined (core.js: 462:2)

Please find readme file in package and follows instructions written there:

  • clone repo from git
  • fix path to webix.js and webix.css in the index.html
  • open index.html in the browser

Grab the updated version from github, now it must work without any modifications. Just clone the repo and open index.html

Maria, sure I’ve fixed index.html - have edited paths to webix as follows:

Is that right?

Maksim, could you please write the updated repo url? Because this GitHub - webix-hub/webix-adminapp-demo: Demo of Webix MVC app, has last commit 18 days ago…

Sorry, I have updated files in the wrong repo.
Please check GitHub - webix-hub/webix-adminapp-demo: Demo of Webix MVC app, now, it must contain the latest version

Super! I’ve tried - it’s working on localhost now. Thanks a lot, Maksim!
By the way, what was the error?

Code of the demo have used “Custom Scrolls” which is a available only in Webix PRO package. I have updated code so now this feature is optional and demo works with both PRO and standard editions.

Added “&& webix.CustomScroll” in app.js?


Also this commit updates paths to webix.js and webix.css files.