How to save new record from datatable popup into Database

Would you please advice how to save the new record from datatable popup into Database as a sample in snippet I press insert button and double-click the new record then popup form is filled.? But it is not change to database

Thank you.


I recommend you to remove editable:true, editaction:"dblclick", form:'popedit' and editor:"text" from datatable
To make changes in datatable via form and save it you can with the help of save() method:

    value:"Post to DB",    	
    click: function(){

Also, you need to bind the form with the datatable, so that any changes in one of the views would trigger changes in the bound ones. When you bind data to any component, it means that when you select an item from one component, this item will be the data source for another component.


And, please, don’t forget to add select: true to the datatable which helps to bind the selected item

To make the popup appear with a double-clicked action on the row of datatable you can via onItemDblClick

  			onItemDblClick:function(e, id, node){

Please check the sample: Code Snippet