How to start cell/row editor Programmatically on datatable select row

Hi all,
is there a way to start editor when I Programmatically select a row i datatabale?
Thank you

Can you please provide a snippet of the issue? As far as I can see, it works as expected:

Ok. I need to select first row of datatable after filterByAll but following code does not work, why?


You can use the editCell and editRow methods.

Please check the related sample:

Yes, you’re right. My mistake.

Is there a way to known the max internal id of datatable’s items? Each time I insert a row into a serverside database table, I reload the rows into the grid which reflects the table, I need something that sounds like ‘getMaxId’ to individuate the last inserted row on table (the grid is always on and I insert blank rows using an add button)

var max = 0;
grid.eachRow(function(id){ max = Math.max(max, id); });

ok. thanks