How to trigger onItemClick on datatable cell?

trying to Table.callEvent(“onItemClick”, [{ row: node, column: “Out” }]); but don’t know how to get correct node object ?

Hello @roma,

onItemClick() listens for click on the entire datatable. But in the handler you can check for the any value of the cell you need. Please check out the snippet with the example and console log: Code Snippet

Hello @NatashaS thanks for idea, hope understand well there is not possible to use onItemClick for cell specific. Maybe i am not thinking in correct direction. The problem which I try to solve is like this: I have datatable and by clicking on cell open popup to edit data. So each time i need to click save close popup and open next. Trying to avoid this by add button next in popup itself which should just save current and open next cell. Since I already have all the logic in function onItemClick just trying to trigger it but with next column, is there something to achieve this goal ?

Also trying to this webix.html.triggerEvent(node, “MouseEvents”, “click”); but i don’t know how to get node of cell and call onItemClick() instead regular click

To get the correct node of any element you can use getItemNode() method.

If you have any questions, we will happy to answer them :slight_smile:

thanks trying to implement it

@NatashaS thanks a lot, for help me to find solution!

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