we need to remove underline option
user does not allow making an underline in webix richtext input box.
ctrl+u also not to allow underline in webix richtext.
here my code snippet
we need to remove underline option
user does not allow making an underline in webix richtext input box.
ctrl+u also not to allow underline in webix richtext.
here my code snippet
we need to remove underline option
You can try to disable it via disable() method
Or, you can use destructor()
Please check the sample: Code Snippet
but the main purpose is user not allow to make an underline.
not allow making an action “ctrl+u” need to restrict?
Hello @jprakashrpm
As Webix Richtext is based on a div with contenteditable
property, the highlighting with “ctrl+u” can be prevented with a native HTML keydown event:
webix.event($$("richtext_id").getNode(), "keydown", function(e){
if (e.keyCode === 85 && e.ctrlKey)