How to update text field suggest

I’m trying to link two text fields. When you select a product the suggestions for revision change.

I can’t handle the event when the value changes in the product text field.

When you select ‘One’ for the product the available options for revision would be 1.
If you select ‘Two’ for the product the available options for revision would be 1 and 2.

   onChange:function(newValue, oldValue){

Thanks that works.

How would you dynamically change the suggest?

Okay I figured it out by using the answer from

Here is it working

What is the recommended way to re-use components?

Could you please clarify, which components do you want to re-use?
The common way to populate an object is to use webix.copy().

I’m trying to make the product selector generic. So I can have multiple on the page with different data. And have other components linked.

How do you store data for a component.

Ideally the usage would be

{“view”: “custom”, dataProducts: myProducts}

In the above docs I don’t see how you reference yourself (to get the data).

In my snippet I was using $$(“productTextField”).data.dataProducts;

But for a custom component you don’t set the id.

How do you store data for a component.

$init is a function where you can change any configuration properties:

$$("productTextField").data is a reference to the DataStore.