How to use ng-model while doing webix integration with Angular JS using "Initing from Config Object"

I am working on Integrating Angular JS with my webix code using “Initing from Config Object” technique


and i am providing “config” definition in Angular JS controller.

But while providing definition of “config” (with webix components in controller), i want to associate a Model with each webix component… (like using ng-Model).

So, is there any way to do this.


I don’t think this is possible.
Can you provide some example of component and how you want to link it to the model ?

In my html page :

<div webix-ui="createConfig" webix-ready="loadData(root)" id='layout_div' style='width: 1300px; height: 1000px; margin: 20px;'></div>

In my controller:

$scope.createConfig= { view : "text", value : $scope.quoteDetails.quoteName,label : "Quote Name", width : 460, id : 'quoteName'} // is a textbox

Just wondering if there is any way to bind a model for this textbox in controller and not in html page using ng-model directive.

sorry i think last comment didn’t display the html element i put there… so here is the html element


…div webix-ui=“createQuoteConfig” webix-ready=“loadData(root)” id=‘layout_div’ style=‘width: 1300px; height: 1000px; margin: 20px;’…

Please can anyone help on the above query… ?

Unfortunately it is not possible for now.
I have added feature request for the above functionality.

Thanks Maksim.

Hi, I wrote an example of directive, which helps to integrate the webix controls with angular app. There is support for ngModel, but not all implemented and not all tested. Just an example.