Huge Database with Datatable Serverside Filter on Enter Key

I’m using datatable serverside data filtering with a c++ cgi and everything works fine.
The default filter behaviour (send request each character typed in) is overheading because the huge database on server, so I want use the enter key to start the filtering; I have implemented the following code:

var k = false;
onKeyPress: function (code, e)
	k = (code == 13 && === "INPUT") ? true : false;
onBeforeFilter: function (columnId, value, config)<br>
	return k;

is there something more elegant?
Is it possible to put the search icon in the filter input element and listening for the click event?

is there something more elegant?

Your solution seems most simple. However, here’s a solution from a similar topic (an extended filter with the needed feature): Code Snippet

Is it possible to put the search icon in the filter input element?

It is possible, but actually, you need to create a custom search-like filter. Check the following snippet:

Thank you, very helpful