I hope every data item can support "attributes"

I hope every data item can support “attributes” just like view:“text” in this sample: http://webix.com/snippet/d749b093 .

There are two reasons:

  1. I hope i can add “accesskey” attrubute to menu/input/tab…, so i can use keyboard to access the control.
    html dom support “accessKey” property, http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_global_accesskey.asp

  2. I hope i can add “tabindex” attrubute to menu/input/tab…, so i can use keyboard to navigate the controls.
    html dom support “tabindex” property, http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_global_tabindex.asp

After 1 and 2, i can use keyboard do my job when my mouse is broken.

When i use microsoft’s MSCRM several years ago, i found almost MSCRM’s every control has its “accesskey” and “tabindex” attrubutes, so MSCRM can use keybord to focus one item and navigate items and do the job, needn’t use mouse,so i hope webix can built-in support this.

Below two samples are all not so good:

  1. http://webix.com/snippet/d749b093

In this sample, only view:“text” support “attributes”, view:“menu” doesn’t support “attributes”.
2. http://docs.webix.com/desktop__uimanager.html#globaltabnavigation

In this sample, “In case of two separate webix.ui constructors you have two separate objects without the possibility to shift focus from one to the other with the help of a ‘tab’ key. So move a mouse pointer instead”.

This is not good, if add “tabindex” attrubutes to objects, it is possibility to shift focus from any one to any other one.


  1. Unfortunately, only inputs (text, buttons, richselect, etc.) support attributes.

  2. tabindex is not supported. Tab key will switch focus to the next control according to the views/inputs order.

The mentioned article describes a possibility to add custom hotkeys. Therefore, it is possible to set a custom focus shift.

hi, listopad, thanks for your comment!

i still hope webix can support attributes for menu in future.

because if menu can support attributes, then i can use html’s title attribute as tooltip text:

html’s tooltip will not show and disapper again and again when move mouse,
but webix’s menu’s tooltip will show and disapper again and again when move mouse.


If you need to use an html-tooltip, you can define it in the data template:


I see, it is a good method, thanks!