IE 11 onChangeEvent doesn't trigger

Hello. I am using IE 11 (ver. 11.0.9600.18282) and I found a bug that disturbs normal work.

Here is a snippet that shows the problem:

To recreate a problem you should:

  1. Focus the first text element and type something

  2. Immediately after that focus the second text element

  3. The UI will be blocked for a second

after that there is a problem:

  1. Cursor stays in secondtext but it is not focused

  2. After you type something in the second text (remember, it is not focused) and click outside the element, the onChange event of second text doesn’t trigger


this is IE’s bug/feature. You can try to move focus to document body. Please check the demo:

Thanks for your answer, it worked well on the snippet code I provided.

But it didn’t work on my actual code (I could try to make another snippet if you need, but I’m afraid it would be too large).

Is there any other way to remove focus from such element in IE?

You can try to move focus to document.body or any other element.

We reported the issue in the Edge tracker. However, they have not responded yet.

Thank you