Indian currency symbol looks different symbol after exportToPdf

Hi Team,
I’m trying to export data to pdf using toPdf function. I have Indian currency symbol(₹) for one of the row. When exported, it is show as a different symbol(₽).
Here’s the snippet: Code Snippet


Hello @Saikumar_Kandikonda,

It seems that the default font that is used for export does not support certain characters.

We can recommend you to include an indian font instead (new regular and bold .ttf fonts):

Data Components Export to PDF of Guides, Exporting Content and Data Webix Docs .

You could either include the files for export/import locally as described in the Exporting Data Offline article chapter and change the fonts there or include them via URL.

As a possible variant, you could test Akasha.ttf font, here is a link to download a .zip file:

Best regards,