Input field shows "null" instead of empty field after loading data (IE)

I have two forms that show “null” inside my textarea field, instead of just showing an empty field. This happens after I parse or load data into my form that contains an empty (null) field. It’s weird, because I can’t seem to create a snippet that illustrates the problem. It works fine in the snippets. But I use the same webix-version.

This problem only exists in IE(11). Any idea what the reason could be? If I remove the variable from my data-object, it’s fine too, but that’s not possible in my current architecture.

Can you share the exact JSON of data object ( as it provided by server side ) for which issue occurs?

As far as I can see the issue only can occur when JSON object has a “null” strings instead of raw null values.

That was my first thought too, but it does not appear to be a string that is returned:

{ “Id”: 1000777, “BSDatum”: “2015-10-26”, “BSPagina”: null }

I also tried this (using .parse()):

Other forms in my application do not experience this problem, sadly.

I have the same problem too. The problem occurs that the form has more than one textarea, only in IE(11). Is there any solution for this problem?

Same problem here. Unfortunately you can’t show it in the snippet.
I’m using simple setValue on textarea component:
var apiDataJSON = data.json().api_data $$(
If “wfmag_uwagi” element will be null the code flow hangs on that line.

The workaround I’m using is to add “|| undefined”
var apiDataJSON = data.json().api_data $$( || undefined)
Now if “wfmag_uwagi” field is null it will be switched to undefined.

I use webix debug version and the code flow hangs on onChange event of textarea.
Strange is that it hangs when you change value from some text to null.

From Chrome console:
[textarea@view1529961255090] event:onchange
(2) [“uwagi_test”, undefined]

[textarea@view1529961255090] event:onchange
(2) [null, “uwagi_test”]

Second onChange event hangs the code flow.
One hint: that textarea is not in the form - it’s separated component.

We were able to reconstruct and fix the issue with textarea and null/undefined issue in IE

Fix will be included in the next minor build (5.4.3).
if you need it ASAP, please contact us directly at