I am working with Webix Mobile Scheduler and need functionality which allow me to mark some time frames and dates as unavailable, for example set unavailable 18th November full day or 19th November from 6am to 10am.
Is there some way how to do it?
Yes, you can use blockDates and blockTime methods of Calendar configuration.
function blockDates(date){
if(date.getFullYear() == 2015 && date.getMonth() == 10){
var day = date.getDate();
if(day == 18)
return true;
if(day == 19){
var h = date.getHours();
return h > 5 && h < 10;
return false;
view: "scheduler",
id: "scheduler"
$$("scheduler").$$("calendar").define("blockDates", blockDates);
$$("scheduler").$$("formCalendar").define("blockDates", blockDates);
$$("scheduler").$$("calendar").define("blockTime", blockDates);
$$("scheduler").$$("formCalendar").define("blockTime", blockDates);
Maria, thanks for fast answer, but for me “blockDates” works only for “monthly” scheduler view (it gray out blocked days) but there are no changes for “weekly” and “daily” views and “blockTime” logic is not affected - there are no changes if I add “blockTime” sources, even if blockDates() function will always return true.
I supposed that it will gray out time slots for “daily” view and gray out days for “weekly” view? Is there some example how blocked logic should work?
I use webix UI v.3.0.4
I supposed that it will gray out time slots for “daily” view and gray out days for “weekly” view?
Please check the following demo: