isolate window ids via markup init (as opposed to js init)

neither of the below markup config for isolate is working

    <div webix-ui view="window" position="center" modal="true" move="true" height="670" width="900" 
        <config name="isolate" value="true"></config>
        <config isolate="true"></config>

I am getting ‘root.$$ is not a function’ on notificacionPreviewWindowReady

Basically what I am trying to achieve is the markup equivalent of

$scope.config = {

You can subclass the window widget to add the isolate property to it. The protoUI command can be used to create a new ui type, which will be accessible both from a config and from a markup

}, webix.ui.window, webix.IdSpace);
<div webix-ui view="iwin" position="center"

Missing “isolate” on a window is a miss from our side, so it will be added in 4.1

Works for a window, does not work for a layout

window - - works

layout - - container.$$(‘subjectText’) undefined

Sorry, was a mistake in my snippet, change order of extending to

}, webix.IdSpace, webix.ui.window);

unfortunately ilayout breaks my datatable pager - switch between layout and ilayout view type to see the effect - how should I specify the pager in isolated mode?

webix.js:547 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘$view’ of undefined(…)pager_setter @ webix.js:547(anonymous function) @ webix.js:546(anonymous function) @ webix.js:17

also iwin causes richselect data not to show (it does if I revert back to win)

<div view="richselect" id="combo" webix-data="data" 

and comboReady is not being called - is this expected behaviour?

webix-ready will be processed only for the same element which has webix-ui directive ( top level webix control )

As for error, it is a known issue, where pager can’t be located by its ID if pager is inside of isolated view. Will be fixed in the next update.

much appreciated, not sure if you have confirmed the issue with the richSelect as well, will try and provide a snippet for that. Also could not find any release schedule info, do you have an estimate for your next release?