Issue on Show/Hide Columns IE11


We can resize, reorder, filter and change pager size on IE 11, WIN: 8. Then we refresh the page and they are still there. +1

But when we show/hide columns and refresh again then all the previous(resize, reorder, pager size) are gone and datatable looks problematic.

Looks the same error is posted here

Now I tested on 4.1 version but still exist.

Investigation on webix 4.1

We have checkboxes to show/hide each columns.

Error about the firstchild seems to be produced from this code


 return"<input type='checkbox' "+(e.checked?"checked='1'":"")+">"}},

             return t.firstChild.firstChild
 },getValue:function(t){return this.getInputNode(t).value},setValue:function(t,e){this.getInputNode(t).value=e},refresh:function(t,e,i){

I want to buy the tool but need to work also in Internet Explorer 11. This issue is what I have found until now.

We have achieved to catch the error coding


        getInputNode: function(t) {

           if (t.firstChild === null) {

                  return {};

            } else {

                return t.firstChild.firstChild;



And the Snippet
Just click on checkBox to hide the Title Column on Internet Explorer 11

Have the console open for the error.


we will fix the problem in the next update. Thank you for the report.