Layout: Absolute X,Y Positioning

Are there any examples of making custom layouts? Or possibly a null layout where objects can be placed using X,Y coordinates?

Check the next snippet

It creates a new component which inits subview and places them in separate div tags with absolute position.

Very Good.

Now how can I take those two subviews and drag them around using the Webix Drag and Drop features? I would like to just have a simple onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseUp capability for any view I add with the absolute positioning.


Can be done, but will require some extra coding. You can use webix.DragControl.addDrag to make any HTML container draggable, including the host of the Webix widget.

Also, as alternative, you can just use “window” widget, that can host any component and can be moved by drag-n-drop.

Please open a ticket in the support system if you need a fully functional sample.