Hi, I want to load some part of my data in datatable. And then with the help of pager to load next part of data and so on. I tried samples on documentation but I did not achieve to my aim. I add datafetch and loadahead to javascript code, but there is no effect. How can I do it?
First of all, please check the backend of the related sample locally (in the Webix package this sample available at samples\\15_datatable\\19_paging\\03_db_data_dyn.html
Also, you can try to use loadNext API to load data manually.
Thanks for your reply. I checked the backend of shown sample (03_db_data_dyn.html) but there is no effect. I tried the same thing to my code but it did not work for me. What else can I do?
Could you please provide a sample of your implementation?
Of course I can. This is my table:
var table = {
id: 'request_dtable',
uri: 'request/all',
url: 'request/all?filter=2&ports=2,25',
view: 'datatable',
css: 'request_dtable',
scrollX: true,
headerRowHeight: 90,
rowHeight: 30,
navigation: true,
select: 'row',
//multiselect: true,
pager: 'request_table_pager',
columns: [
// columns goes here
And it is my pager:
var pager = {
view: "pager",
id: 'request_table_pager',
template: '{common.first()} {common.prev()} {common.pages()}
{common.next()} {common.last()}',
size: 50,
group: 3,
height: 30
Hi @Listopad. What is the solution for this problem? Can you help me?
Config itself is right (except there’s no uri
Please double-check your server-side script. The required pattern of the request and the server response are described here.
Thank you @Listopad, you just saved my day. I appreciate your help.