Lazy loading in webix file manager

Hi All,

I have a question. I know what’s dynamic loading in file manager

It is related to the folders that when you click on the folder the content of that folder is being loaded.

But I have a different case here. Lets say I have a 2000 records (files) in one folder and I don’t want load all of it at once. On the contrary, I want to lazy load it. e.g. I’m scrolling down the list of files in one particular folder. It keeps continue loading records(files) from the server side.

Please help me out on this.



Unfortunately, it is not possible in the current implementation. However, 2000 records is not a problem to display for DataTable, because it renders only visible rows. The only possible issue is loading data from server. But it can be solved by gzip compression - is compression enabled for your server ?

2000 was just an example. I meant to say there can be a huge set of data in a folder. 10000 may be.

I agree rendering data in file manager is not the issue. The issue is we always need pagination to display huge set of data. I’m surprised webix doesn’t handle this.

No, gzip compression is not enabled yet. Will it help for larger data?

Will it help for larger data?

It will definitely make loading faster.

Ok. Thanks

Here is the demo:


It is possible to add pager to Filemanager. It will be a bit tricky solution, but it’s possible. However, “lazy loading” is not possible. So, pager will be UI solution to replace scroll. Do you need such a demo ?

Alright. Yes, demo would be great.

But there’s no date table options when I create UI for file manager. Can you please tell me how to sync the pager with datatable which is used inside the file manager?

I’m surprised webix doesn’t handle this.

The datatable widget does support paging. It just the UI of filemanager doesn’t provide controls for paging.

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Hi Maria,

I have a thing to ask. Can you please help me out?