Lazy loading of Accordion in using angular contoller in HTML markup technique


I am using Initing from HTML markup technique to uild an application and building the single page application where I have 4 accordion and need to display the information in 4 section, I need to know how I can achieve this using webix.

Ex:first accordion will have the form data where user will provide the inputs and other will have datatable and few of them is like that.

I need to load the data from the controller only when user expand the accordion. would request you to please update me how can achieve this using html markup technique.

You will need to use js code for such kind of logic.
You can init the initial UI without data in datatable and use onAfterExpand event of accordion to load data in related component ( call some.load from event handler )

Thanks Maksim for the help, but can you please give me an example of how I can use the HTML markup technique to build the single page application having one accordion contains toolbar , other contains form and other contains Datatable.

I am specifically looking HTML markup technique to build an complex application, because I am working with Angular and I dont want to put config in controller and need a separate view in html file only.

Please respond me quickly so that I can take the decision on this.

Can you please respond to the above query, whether it would be possible or not as I have mentioned that I have take the decision on this.

You can init the UI from HTML markup - this is possible for sure.

But for active logic, such as “load data when elements expanded” you will need to use a javascript logic in controller anyway. So it can’t be done through HTML code only.