Let me know the details of the spreadsheet below

Dear All,

Let me know the details of the spreadsheet below

  1. How to set sheet to current active sheet?
  2. How to parse data to an existing sheet by sheet name?
  3. How to rearrange the position of multiple sheets?
  4. How to show tooltip for sheet name?

Naing Oo

Hello @NaingOo,

How to set sheet to current active sheet?

You can use showSheet method:

//show the active sheet

Please take a look at the snippet:

How to parse data to an existing sheet by sheet name?

By default, Spreadsheet expects that all sheets will be loaded at once - - there is no parse data by sheet name.

How to rearrange the position of multiple sheets?

You need to get access to the sheets part and then moves the specified sheet to a new position using move() method:

let sheets = $$("sheet").$$("sheets");
sheets.move("Tab 1",1)

Please take a look at the snippet:

How to show tooltip for sheet name?

As a solution, you can access the botton toolbar part of the spreadsheet and define the tooltip config.

For instance:

Dear Developer,

Thanks for your reply,

I am trying to create a new sheet with the below code. It is not working to add content data in a new sheet.
A new sheet can create but data is not inside.

var content = $$(“ssheet”).serialize();

Hello @NaingOo ,
I can confirm the bug, thank you for reporting!
As workaround:​https://snippet.webix.com/p2hbmz0y
The issue should be fixed in the next release.

Thanks a lot, @annazankevich for your reply and workaround.

May I know,

  1. Is there any event handler for the column of spreadsheet onBefore hide and show?

  2. Is it possible to do row multi-selection in a spreadsheet?
    for example, multi-selection for row 1,5,10,13

  3. How to do autofill numbers in a column with a series of numbers by dragging down the fill handle like a excel?

Dear Developer,

May I have the solution for this?