I have a form with some text-fields in it. I would like to limit the lenght of text you can enter in it, so that it stops accepting input, when this limit is hit. In normal html-form I can set the maxlength property.
But what do I do in Webix?
You can set maxlength attribute
is it possible to change it at runtime? I tried these two possibilities, but it doesn’t seem to work:
$$(actualField.id).data.attributes.maxlength=actualField.Max_Input $$(actualField.id).define(“maxlength”,actualField.Max_Input);
how could we change the value of a property (ui.text) previously initialized?
You need to use .refresh to repaint the input in question
$$(actualField.id).config.attributes.maxlength=actualField.Max_Input $$(actualField.id).refresh();