Is there a way to know how much time the user spends in reading and watching
each element of a list?
It would be very interesting.
Is there a way to know how much time the user spends in reading and watching
each element of a list?
It would be very interesting.
It is not directly related to the Webix - but it is quite possible to record all user events on the page, including list scrolling, so it possible to collect info about how much time was spent while some item was visible ( was it read or not is a different matter )
I am a little lost with this…whitch events do you think i have to use to achive this…
Can you give me an example…please?
Thanks and greetings
Sorry, but it is really outside of Webix functionality.
Webix API can give info about current state of UI but collecting the data is a fully separate task and Webix UI hasn’t any special tooling for it.