List with items of variable height ?

I can’t find the related attributes to have a list with items of variable height…
I guess it’s because webix.ui.list has never been intended to do this and also to be able to calculate the paging ? Am I correct ?

If so, what could be used to emulate that in a (pure) Webix app ? ( Obviously I could make the server spit some html in an iframe, but meh … )

A list inside a scrollview with elements height set to Infinity ?

I won’t try to paginate this !

You can use height:"auto" for list items to make them adjust to their contents:

Thanks, that’s obviously the better way :slight_smile:

I guess it’s the only value I haven’t tried…

HI is there’s a way to get the height of the list?

Hello @Mistogan ,
You can use such technique as console.log($$("l1").$height);