Load and save data by api rest in form

I have this code for load a save form, api rest:

id:“form_tipos”, url:“rest->url/noticiastipos/”+$$(‘dt_tipos’).getSelectedId(), save:“rest->url/noticiastipos”, elements:[

     { view:"text", id:"id", label:"Id:", hidden:true},
     { view:"text", id:"tipo", label:"Tipo", placeholder:"Tipo"},                                 
     { margin:5, cols:[
           { view:"button", id:"aceptar", value:"Aceptar" , type:"form"}



This return a json, because dont load nothing on form, this is the json returned: [{“id”:2,“tipo”:“CLIENTES”}] , how to load this in form? where in the problem?

REST or not, form elements must have name property in their configuration to take the data - while yours have ids. So modify the code to:

 { view:"text", name:"id", label:"Id:", hidden:true},
 { view:"text", name:"tipo", label:"Tipo", placeholder:"Tipo"}

Great!! Thanks!!