load and save datatable with connector

hi, how do I load a datatable with multiple tables using the connector?
I use:

$data->render_sql("SELECT *
					FROM aisurvey_users
					INNER JOIN aisurvey_profiles ON aisurvey_users.IdProfilo = aisurvey_profiles.IdProfilo
					INNER JOIN aisurvey_owner ON aisurvey_users.owner_id = aisurvey_owner.owner_id
					ORDER BY cCognome,cNome",

seems ok load , but to make the save ? I have to make the save only aisurvey_users on the table and not on those in joins .

Seems like you are using a too complex script. And yes, in this case, there could be issues with data saving.

Webix only provides you to use a custom saving script via save property. Please, check the sources of this sample locally, it uses a different back-end for data loading and saving. You’ll find it at the same path in the Webix package
Actually, all our scripts with/without connector are also available at \\samples\\40_serverside\\.

but example with mysql?thanks

I’m afraid not. We suppose that these examples are enough to create a custom script, so an extra ready-to-use solution seems unreasonable.

And also please take a look at

It contains the proper SQL-queries to save the data.

thanks listopad