Load Datatable with dynamic collection

Here is snippet that will describe my problem. http://webix.com/snippet/e88bffeb

In this datatable, ‘Movie’ column’s id is ‘type’ that is define in collection ‘types’.

Now In my scenario, I can’t load collection before/after render of data table. Because that collection might be huge.
I want to load collection dynamically so that if I click on ‘combo’ collection data should download from server and then by default value must be selected in combo.


For your case you can make use of Webix dynamic loading to load the first portion of records into the editor:

{ id:"type", header:"Movie", editor:"combo", options:url }

http://webix.com/snippet/8ee86815 (in the sample static loading is used, you shold tune the serverside according to the documentation)

Then, when you scroll the data within the option list, it will be possible to get new data.

But you should be aware of the fact that until editor options are loaded, datatable will be unable to show correct values - it will show ids (1, 2, 3) instead of the corresponding value, etc.

@Helga, I got your point. Thanks for helping me out.