Locale plugin with Vite (async problem)

In Webix Jet documentation, section , you describe how to use Locale plugin
According to your proposal, we should override the setLang method

const locales = import.meta.glob("./locales/*.js");
const words = name => locales[`./locales/${name}.js`]().then(x => x.default);
export default class MyApp extends JetApp{

        // patch locales loader, optional
        this.use(plugins.Locale, { path: false, storage: this.webix.storage.session });
        const ls = this.getService("locale");
        ls.setLang = (lang, silent) =>
            words(lang).then(w => ls.setLangData(lang, w, silent));
        ls.setLang(ls.getLang(), true);

I suppose this is not needed because the path parameter in the plugin’s config can accept a function.
We can just execute:

const locales = import.meta.glob("./locales/*.js");
const words = name => locales[`./locales/${name}.js`]().then(x => x.default);

this.use(plugins.Locale, { path: words, storage: this.webix.storage.session });

Unfortunately, the problem starts when you try to use the _ (translation method) right after the call.
The method is set asynchronously, and the entire plugin initialization mechanism does not have a callback function or returns a Promise.
Therefore, calling the following method right after plugin initialization will result in an error (due to “_” is not set):

const locales = import.meta.glob("./locales/*.js");
const words = name => locales[`./locales/${name}.js`]().then(x => x.default);
this.use(plugins.Locale, { path: words, storage: this.webix.storage.session });
const { _ } = this.app.getService('locale'); // => null
webix.message(_('...some message...'), 'success'); // => error

Maybe it would be worth changing the plugin’s initialization in the “use” method so that it returns Promise.
And return promise in the setLang method.
something like:

use(plugin, config){
	return plugin(this, null, config);
export function Locale(app: IJetApp, _view: IJetView, config: any){
   function setLang(name:string, silent? : boolean){
		// ignore setLang if loading by path is disabled
		if (config.path === false){
			return Promise.resolve();
		if (typeof config.path === "function"){
			return config.path(name).then(data => setLangData(name, data, silent));
		// ??
    app.setService("locale", service);
	return setLang(lang, true);

With such changes, we have full control the plugin’s initialization:

const locales = import.meta.glob("./locales/*.js");
const words = name => locales[`./locales/${name}.js`]().then(x => x.default);

this.use(plugins.Locale, { path: words, storage: this.webix.storage.session })
  .then(()=> {
  	const { _ } = this.app.getService('locale');
	webix.message(_('...some message...'), 'success');

Let me know if such changes are possible. Overriding the setLang method is definitely not a good solution.

I’m new to Webix (few weeks) and I’m still study framework


Unfortunately, I can admit that this behaviour is incorrect. Thank you for reporting it.
Our final solution may differ, but we will consider your suggestion regarding the fix.

Best regards.


yes, the way described in the docs is outdated, unfortunately. The code of the demo itself has been updated 7 months ago: https://github.com/webix-hub/jet-start/blob/vite/sources/myapp.js
The docs will be updated shortly, thanks for letting us know.
PS: there’s also a new branch GitHub - webix-hub/jet-start at vite-standalone