Making Component

I’ve just want to create a component like in this picture.

But i figured out that webix_debug.js and webix.js methods totally different. If I copy some codes to find how it works, it just not working because of obfuscation.

I dont know is there any doc for creating my own module?

I just want to implement a datatable editor which has a photopicker.

There is no need to create an editor if you want to show a popup for cells in some column. Try to use onItemClick event as in:

var popup = webix.ui({
    if(cell.column == "photo");

I already did this.

I’m using Image Picker

The point is how to set column value if I select an image

The first parameter of onItemClick is cell object with information about row and column id. So, you can apply updateItem method to change row data.

@drtzack: See Integrating arbitrary/custom widgets/components with Webix.

Thanks @dandv That is what I looking for