Menu auto highlight not working when using Menu plugin with URLParam


I have an issue when using Menu plugin with URLParam plugin.

In my app, I can create multiples Kanbans and I have a sidebar like this :

let sidebar = {
					view: "sidebar",
					template:function(obj, common){
						if (common.collapsed)
							return module.badge(common, obj) + common.icon(obj, common);
						return module.badge(common, obj) + common.arrow(obj, common)+common.icon(obj, common) +"<span>"+obj.value+"</span>";
					data: menuDatas,
				{ $subview:true}

And menuDatas :

	"1": {
		"value": "Kanbans",
		"icon": "mdi mdi-format-list-checks",
		"data": [
				"value": "Type of Kanbans 1 ",
				"data": [
						"value": "Kanban 2",
						"id": "kanban/2",
						"badge": 1,
						"icon": "wxi-columns"
				"badge": 1
				"value": "Kanban 1",
				"id": "kanban/1",
				"badge": 1,
				"icon": "wxi-columns"
				"value": "Kanban 4",
				"id": "kanban/4",
				"badge": 0,
				"icon": "wxi-columns"
		"badge": 2

In my kanban view, I use the UrlParam plugin :

	init(_$view, _$) {
		super.init(_$view, _$);
		this.use(plugins.UrlParam, ["id"]);

Everythink works fine if I click on the menu. However, if I change the url manually, the menu doesn’t highlights the corresponding item.

Looking in the JetApp code, I see that the Menu plugin use the segment :

  const segment = frame.getUrl()[1];
            if (segment) {
                name =;

with frame.getUrl() returning :

Array(3) [ {…}, {…}, {…} ]
0: Object { page: "top", params: {}, isNew: false, … }
1: Object { page: "kanban", params: {}, isNew: false, … }
2: Object { page: "2", params: {}, isNew: true }

Then the name is only “kanban” without the Id and the sidebar cannot find the correct item.

I will code a custom menu plugin to overcome this problem. But maybe I’m missing a cleaner way to achieve my goal. Does anyone have an idea ?

In my custom menu plugin, I changed this part

 view.on(app, `app:route`, function () {
        let name = "";
        if (config.param) {
            name = view.getParam(config.param, true);
        else {
            const segment = frame.getUrl()[1];
            if (segment) {
                name =;
        if (name) {
            silent = true;
            if (ui.setValue && ui.getValue() !== name) {
            else if ( && ui.exists(name) && ui.getSelectedId() !== name) {
            silent = false;

from the JetApp Menu plugin by :

	view.on(app, "app:route", function () {
			let name = "";
			if (config.param) {
				name = view.getParam(config.param, true);
			else {
				for (let i = 1; i < frame.getUrl().length; i++) {
					let segment = frame.getUrl()[i];
					name = name + ((name === "") ? "" : "/" )+;
			if (name) {
				silent = true;
				if (ui.setValue && ui.getValue() !== name) {
				else if ( && ui.exists(name) && ui.getSelectedId() !== name) {;
					//to open the parent
					if(ui.getItem(name).$parent) {$parent);
				silent = false;

It’s work fine.