Missing font character showing up as a box

Hi everyone, I’ve been running into an issue where the dropdown arrow character (in accordion and sorted datatable columns) doesn’t show up. In it’s place is one of those ugly unicode boxes that appear when you can’t load a character.

Does anyone know a way around this? Thanks!

If you have moved webix.css to a separate folder, you need to move font files relative ( in webix.css there is a link to icon font, and it need to be updated if you want to store file in different way )

webix.css and webix.js are not in the same folder as the file that is trying to access them. What is the link to icon font in webix.css?

in webix.css there are lines like next


This is reference to the font file. Be sure that relative path to a font is valid.

Ah, finally got it sorted. Thank you maksim!