'Multi-filtering' on Layer 1 of Treetable

Is there a way to apply a ‘multi-filter’ to the rows of Topmost layer of a Treetable?
Currently I can apply a normal text filter to the first layer which can filter out the matched items. But by ‘multi-filter’, I mean, sort of a multi-select combo box (or something else) which helps me select multiple entries in Layer 1, and thereby displaying those in the treetable.

So say my tree table’s topmost layers have ‘val1’, ‘val2’, ‘val3’,…,‘valN’; I want to select ‘val1’ and ‘val7’ so that I can see the corresponding trees of only those entries.
I hope you understand what I mean.

The only solution I can think of right now is to implement some ‘N’ number of checkboxes in a separate view, and write a custom filter function to filter out the corresponding elements. But of course you can see that this would be very messy, especially if the number of layer 1 elements is a lot.

Any good ideas?

Unfortunately there is no ready to use solution. It possible to use grid.filter to filter by multiple parameters, but we don’t have any built-in filter that can support multi-selection.

If you can wait few days - I will try to provide a working demo of such filter.

Definitely, I’d love to see a working demo! I’ll keep an eye on this thread, thanks :slight_smile:

If I’m not wrong, there isn’t any multi-select widget available either, right (forget filtering)?
I’m talking about something like this:

Is there a way to incorporate an external widget like this into my Webix UI? I’ve drawn the UI completely with Webix. I suppose I could give the layout with HTML, leave a div for this widget and add it later on. But it would require a lot of rework on the UI end…!

Default list can work in multiselect mode.
As richselect uses list inside - it can be confgured to works as multi-richselect
And as a last step, filter for grid based on such multi-richselect can be created

Hey, any update on the working demo of a makeshift multi select filtering system? I tried it myself but sadly am not able to figure it out!

Nevermind, I figured it out! Thanks anyway :slight_smile: