I have a datatable header that requires two lines to display and I’m trying to increase the height to be double the line height to show both lines. I’m using:
Hi @Listopad
Thanks for replay.
How you can see from the snippet the problem is when the colums header has more the one line. How could I solve it, mantain that columns header? even thought i set scrollAlignY = true or false it won’t change. I have the 6.1 webix version. I saw in new webix version that it works but on the columns header doesn’t show me all the text. How can I fix it in my 6.1 version?
@OttavioTedesco sorry for my mistake, I have noticed another issue (uneven scrolling for rows with big height) and was focused on it.
The CSS sizing (such as height: auto) is not safe for elements in Webix views, as most of the sizes are set as a result of calculations in JS (here’s a related chapter in the documentation).
If you don’t know the desired height before init, you can calculate it later - similar to code in this example (lines 25-31): Code Snippet