Not able to search the data in Webix Datatable

I want to search the Name column in the view search. whatever the keyword entered by the user based on that keyword datable should display the Name data. It’s working perfectly when the user searches the name that is present on the 1st page if I enter the name that is present on the 2nd page it’s not displaying any data. If the user removes the keyword in the search view datable should display all the data along with the pagination.
Here is the code snippet-

Can anyone please help me with this issue. Thank You in advance

Can anyone please help me with this issue.

Hello, @raghukundapur4

This kind of search could be implemented with datatable Server Filter.
Please, check the snippet here: Code Snippet

In case you want to use search.ui, a good practice would be to have Standalone Pager to have an opportunity to implement custom logic.
Here is the snippet:Code Snippet

Please, pay attention, this implementation of the search element searches only among the elements loaded on the page. Server-side filtering implies a request to the server.
The filter should give a value, and the table will include it in the query and send it among other parameters.

you are trying to combine dynamic loading with client side filtering.
therefore you cannot use hidden items.
try to register custom filter or use dataFeed.
in both cases data is filtered on server side.
another solution is not using dynamic loading and load all data at once.

Thank you very much @AlenaLisava . Can you please demonstrate server-side search with anyone code snippet example. Thank You in Advance.

Thank you @intregal