It’s great and work perfectly with open anonymous access database. But it won’t work with password protected databases. I’ve tried to change some of the code to work with token authentication from this but still no luck.
Did you try to login as it is described in the JavaScript part of the guide?
var db = databoom("database_link", 'collection');
db.login("username", "password").then( function(){
webix.message('Successfully logged in.');
//parse data to Webix component
I tried to use it, but I guess it will need too much more configuration than using the API method. And it will be easier to use multiple collection in one project with different authentication method (one using token, and others are open).
Do you have any working example with javascript method?
I managed to build “databoom data editor” from your snippet. The data load function properly, but the save function just doesn’t work. I tried using define and data processor, but both method didn’t function properly. Do you have proper method to save it?
Here I define the save on the datatable hard coded than it works perfectly. But if I define it with function it’s not working.
I only use refresh. Is there any other way to reconstruct it properly so it will use the later save property?