"onAfterFilter" event not firing

When I change the filter value then the above event is not firing. My code is as below: (using v.2.5.8) Using it inside “ready” function of pivot control.

$$(“pivotId”).$$(“data”).attachEvent(“onAfterFilter”, function(){
alert(‘Event triggered’);

onAfterFilter event will fire when you are filtering the datatable.
In case of Pivot, filters will work against the raw data, not against the values in the datatable, so there will be no such event.

Thanks. But is there any way so that I can catch the filter event on pivot?

Possibly onAfterLoad event will fit:

    alert("after load");

The event is called each time the pivot table gets new data (including filtering results).

I have the same issue, onAfterFilter is not firing so I have 2 grids:

$$('siteGrid').attachEvent("onAfterLoad", function(){

$$('siteGrid').attachEvent("onafterSelect", function(id) {
	// Get Currently Selected Row	
	var record = $$('siteGrid').getItem(id);
	$$('gensetGrid').filter('#SiteFK#', record.SiteID); 	

$$('gensetGrid').attachEvent("onAfterFilter", function(){

So when you select a row in siteGrid it filters the data in gensetGrid but the filter event never fires.

Any ideas?

