onMouseOver Effect in view:form (input or buttons)

Hello ,

i will onMouseOver effect(so I can call functions) on input fields and buttons.

I tried

  1. on:{‘onMouseMove’: function(){alert(“you have clicked an item”)
  2. attachEvent(“onMouseMove”, function(id, e, node){ });

but it doesnt work…

{ cols:[
{view:“form”, id:“testff”, height:700, width:600, elements: [
{ template:“test”, id:“vertemp”, color:“red”,type:“section”},
{view:“fieldset”, id:“test”, body:{ rows:[
{ rows:[
{ template:“test”, type:“section”},
{ view:“text”,name:“test1”, header:"/span>", label:“test2”,},
{ template:“test”, type:“section”},
{ view:“text”,name:“test3”, on:{‘onMouseMove’: function(){alert(“you have clicked an item”);}}, id:“testrr”,label:“test4”, value:’’}, …

can you help me please?

Only data components support such events, you need to use native dom events for such use-case

please check the next sample

Also, if you want only to restyle the input under mouse - you can use custom css with :hover pseudo class.

thank youuu it works :)) can i open a tooltip on over a inputfield ?