Overwriting CSS style for webix_datatview_item


I tried to overwrite the “webix_dataview_item” style with additionally css class “my_dataview_item”. I added the property “$CSS” tho a data item (not the best way), but found in webix a hardcoded styling additionally to the css class.

The resulting html code is:

<div class="webix_dataview_item my_dataview_item " style="width:160px; height:50px; float:left; overflow:hidden;" webix_f_id="1221">BVM5</div>

This is done by the line in the dataview protoUI:

templateStart:webix.template("<div webix_f_id='#id#' class='{common.classname()}' style='width:{common.width}px; height:{common.height}px; float:left; overflow:hidden;'>"),

Why hardcoding the width & height - the property is already defined in the CSS definition?

You can configure dataview to not hardcode the height and width values. To do so you need to have height and width set to “auto”


When using css based sizing, some features will not work ( xCount, yCount, parent to dataview sizing ) because dataview will not know the size of item and can’t predict how much space it will need to have.