I tried to overwrite the “webix_dataview_item” style with additionally css class “my_dataview_item”. I added the property “$CSS” tho a data item (not the best way), but found in webix a hardcoded styling additionally to the css class.
The resulting html code is:
<div class="webix_dataview_item my_dataview_item " style="width:160px; height:50px; float:left; overflow:hidden;" webix_f_id="1221">BVM5</div>
This is done by the line in the dataview protoUI:
templateStart:webix.template("<div webix_f_id='#id#' class='{common.classname()}' style='width:{common.width}px; height:{common.height}px; float:left; overflow:hidden;'>"),
Why hardcoding the width & height - the property is already defined in the CSS definition?