Will it be possible (in the future?) to load local PDF files into the PDFviewer?
this is very usefull in WebApp!
It makes it possibele to show and/or print a (allready locally stored ) PDF
Import a PDF as BASE64 like:
Will it be possible (in the future?) to load local PDF files into the PDFviewer?
this is very usefull in WebApp!
It makes it possibele to show and/or print a (allready locally stored ) PDF
Import a PDF as BASE64 like:
I found a solution:
var loBASE64data = my.dataProxy.getPDFFileAsBase64() ; //read file as Base64
var lcPDFData = atob(loBASE64data ); // convert
lcFileName = { “data”: lcPDFData }; // create JSON instead of URL
pdfviewer.load( lcFileName ) ;