I’d very much prefer not to have dependencies on external websites for our product deployments. For example: pdfjs is pulled from ‘http://cdn.webix.com/extras/pdfjs’ (I realize there are others).
In some cases, we have users who will not have access to the Internet, only the application’s server (and other servers on their network).
Will the zip file above work with any recent version of Webix, or are there different cdn zips for the different Webix versions? Will the above work with 3.2 or 3.3?
using the local cdn with the provided files in http://webix.com/packages/webix.cdn.zip
webix can’t find several files which are missing in the zip and the folder structure is not right.
Could you check that again?
in webix.toPDF webix.require loads script with same pattern:
webix.require(webix.cdn + “/extras/pdfjs.js”, function(){
and then uses fullpath as above
but ttf font if loaded without adding webix.codebase to path:
pdfjs.load(webix.cdn + “/extras/”+options.fontName+".ttf", function(err, buf){ and it gives error if webix.cdn is not set.
so for now webix.codebase and webix.cdn could be set as follows:
but it breaks webix.UploadDriver
To sum up: for local cdn.extras something is broken
Just for the record, it seems that now cdn location is updated with enviroment variable like this webix.env.cdn = “/cdn” also contents of the github repo GitHub - webix-hub/cdn-extras: Content of //cdn.webix.com/extras/ have to be placed in the extras folder, so it would work with webix.env.cdn = “/cdn”
You’re right, in version 6.0 global properties that describe/define the current environment were moved to webix.env(API).
If you are moving from an older Webix version, please make sure to check the migration guide for the full list of updates, including breaking changes in major releases.
Hello @valedor , @Balint ,
Thank you for the reports.
There was a problem with cdn on our end, however everything should be fixed now. Could you check it one more time?
We apologise for any inconveniences caused by it.