Pivot chart - x labels angle


When labels for x-axis are long no one can read them (http://snag.gy/BPfQq.jpg).

Is it possible to specify angle of labels or may be there is another way to make them readable?

Thank you.


you can try to apply html5 rotate transformation for “x-axis” labels:


and you will probably need to make bottom padding higher for the chart plot:

chart: {
     padding: {bottom: 100}

Thank you, Maria. This works for me.

You are welcome!

This works for me:

        -ms-transform: rotate(300deg); /* IE 9 */
		-webkit-transform: rotate(300deg); /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
		transform: rotate(300deg); 

How to support IE8?

You can use progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix
in IE8 to rotate text