Pivot Table - missing Rows data

We just downloaded the Demo for the WebixPivot Control (webix_pivot_trial.zip), added the reference to the following :

<script src="~/Scripts/Webix/pivot.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<link href="~/Scripts/Webix/webix.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="~/Scripts/Webix/pivot.css" rel="stylesheet" />

When the page is generated , but we can see just Header of the Pivot, the columns are there but any rows are not show up .
The data are there, we exported to Excel, and the rows data it is present , but it is hidden in the output view .

What can be the problem ?!
The probleme is same in InternetExplorer or Google Crome .

Thank in advance.

Hi Myron,

please check the data source. By default “csv” data parser uses "
" as row separator and “,” as cell separator:



The package contains 02_chart/03_loading_data_csv.html demo for PivotChart. It uses “example.csv” as data source.

This is the Webix Pivot initialization, what is wrong here . It is exactly from the Documentation:
Only the Headear of the Pivot it is visible . The data does not apear . But when I Export to PDF the data is there .

var pivot_dataset = [
{“name”: “China”, “year”: 2005, “form”: “Republic”, “gdp”: 181.357, “oil”: 1.545 },
{ “name”: “China”, “year”: 2006, “form”: “Republic”, “gdp”: 212.507, “oil”: 1.732 },
{ “name”: “China”, “year”: 2007, “form”: “Republic”, “gdp”: 250.507, “oil”: 1.732 },
{ “name”: “China”, “year”: 2008, “form”: “Republic”, “gdp”: 350.507, “oil”: 1.732 },
{ “name”: “Romania”, “year”: 2008, “form”: “State”, “gdp”: 250.000, “oil”: 1.732 },

    view: "pivot",
    container: "PivotGrid",
    id: "pivot",
    max: true,
    structure: {
        rows: ["form", "name"],
        columns: ["year"],
        values: [
            { name: "gdp", operation: "sum" },
            { name: "oil", operation: "sum" }
        filters: []
    data: pivot_dataset

Try also to check the size of the html container where you create your pivot (you can use dev tools of your browser). Possibly the container is too small to display the whole pivot.