Polling in datatable

How to fetch records from the server in a polling/feed manner for datatable? For example, initially load all records then check for new/updated records every 10 secs?

I’m using custom proxy. Here is snippet for custom proxy

Here I need to call load method in loop but how should I do that ?

Any Help ?

setInterval(webix.bind(grid.filterByAll, grid), 10000);

Will you please give me snippet of it

I need to evaluate Webix for my project ASAP. Can someone please shed light on this.

you can use setInterval with filterByAll, but to do it you must have at least one column with serverside filter.

var grid = $$('GRID_ID');
setInterval(webix.bind(grid.filterByAll, grid), 10000);
}, 10000);

if you do not have a column with serverside filter, you can create a fake filter and assign it using registerFilter http://docs.webix.com/api__ui.datatable_registerfilter.html

You may add the polling logic to the proxy.

Beware that to continue loading dynamically, start record should be stored (this._start). It will ensure that you reload data with the same url. Start should be changed every time the request for the new data is sent and this._start is modified.

Check the following snippet, please: http://webix.com/snippet/0de38eb5