I am using select view inside toolbar,I want to populate value dynamically inside select view.can you give some sample for this.
You can redefine options collection at any time.
$$("select").define("options", [ array of new options ]);
Okay… you do…
$$(“select”).define(“options”, [ array of new options ]);
…and select is populated, but the problem is the first option value is selected, but I want another option to be selected!
You can set the initial value as well as new options, e.g.
options : [ array of new options ],
value : value_id
//instead of defining the selected value
Here is how to load data from server and then preselect the first loaded item:
( wrong answer)
To make things clear, the solution with $$("select").define
is valid only for HTML-based ui.select.
Both suggest-based ui.combo and ui.richselect contain the Webix list inside and therefore support .getList().load()
and .getList().parse()
methods for data loading.
how do I clear or empty a suggest list prior to parse()? Each time I call parse() to add items, they seem to append to the list and not reset the list.
Hello, @abarylski
To clear items from the component, please, use clearAll method
thank you